News, Updates and What's On
Consumer consultations right around Queensland
Health Consumers Queensland has conducted several rounds of consultation in partnership with external organisations, including CheckUp, Darling Downs West Moreton PHN and the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. Rural, regional and remote access...
Community input in a genomic health implementation program: perspectives of a Community Advisory Group
Congratulations to Queensland Genomics Community Advisory Group (CAG) on the publication of their article in Frontiers in Genetics online journal.
The article was co-authored by members of the Queensland Genomics Consumer Advisory group (the organisation Queensland Genomics has now wound down), including Dr Erin Evans, HCQ’s Board Chair and the Chair of Queensland Genomics CAG, and some members of HCQ’s network.
It highlights the work of consumers in partnering, leading and delivering consumer-led research about the mainstreaming of genomics to health systems.
Shyla Mills steps down as CEO of Palliative Care Queensland
HCQ would like to share the news that Shyla Mills is stepping down as CEO of Palliative Care Queensland. She is relocating to Adelaide to be closer to family and to take on the role of CEO of Palliative Care South Australia.
Many consumers and health staff on our network have worked with Shyla over the past five and a half years as well as Anne Curtis, HCQ’s Engagement Consultant – Specific Projects, who leads our fee-for-service work.
2022 Emergency Care Research Symposium
The National Health and Medical Research Council’s statement about consumers in research states: “Consumer and community involvement is about research being carried out with or by consumers and community members rather than to, about or for them.”
Held over two days at Gold Coast University Hospital in August, the Emergency Care Research Symposium showcased an array of collaborative and innovative emergency care related research programs.
HCQ involves nearly 4,000 people in Queensland Health’s COVID-19 response
At the end of July 2022, HCQ submitted our report on the COVID-19 additional funding we received at the start of the pandemic from Queensland Health’s Community Services Funding Branch.
During the past two and half years, this additional funding enabled HCQ to support Queensland Health’s COVID-19 response in the following ways by enabling:
- 3,974 health consumers, carers, health staff and NGO partners to engage with Queensland Health’s COVID-19 response (HCQ supported QH by finding consumers and often facilitating focus groups).
Celebrating consumer appointments between January and July 2022
Congratulations to all the consumers and carers from HCQ’s network who have been appointed to consumer partnership roles on long-term, system-wide committees, focus groups or working groups as well as other activities with Queensland Health and other health organisations.
Between January and July this year we received a record number of expressions of interest – 253! – for consumer partnering roles and opportunities and a substantial increase in the number of consumers being accepted for these roles with 195 consumers accepted!
Consumers are now involved and influencing many different areas right across health including:
Radical thinking by consumers and clinicians leads to innovative solutions
Radical thinking has led to innovative solutions and recommendations for the delivery of high quality and safe health care, following Queensland Clinical Senate’s* latest meeting series Reimagining healthcare: for the next phase and beyond which was held between March and June 2022.
Twelve consumers worked together with clinicians from across the health system to identify what access to quality care could look like in the near future.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health consumers inform their HHS Health Equity Strategies
Health Consumers Queensland is undertaking a project on behalf of the Queensland Health Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Division supporting consultation with community for participating Hospitals and Health Services.
To date, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health consumers have hosted yarning circles with their community members in Townsville, Mackay, Metro South, West Moreton, Gold Coast and for Children’s Health Queensland. Through the yarning circles, community members are able to share their stories and recommendations to inform their local HHS Health Equity Strategies.
read more…
Watch Reimagining Healthcare for Young People Webinar
A diverse group of young health consumers came together on the 23 June 2022 to lead a discussion on what “Reimagining healthcare for young people” looks like, what matters to young people and what barriers need to be removed to get there.
If you are a young person or from a health service or health organisations and want to hear and learn from young leaders in health creating change in health care, young people’s experiences of healthcare or would like tips on innovative ideas to engage with young people.. watch the recording and read about the panelists here.
The Queensland Child and Youth Clinical Network (QCYCN) in partnership with Health Consumers Queensland (HCQ) hosted the “Reimagining health care for young people” online webinar on Thursday 23 June 2022 with over 100 people attended.
Issues Paper: Making sense of Omicron
Key topics in this issue:
- System capacity is a concern for many consumers, with ramping, backlog of delayed treatments and screening, and underutilization of the surge workforce
- COVID Information is still challenging, although improved Consumer and clinicians are often not finding the information they need.
- Complacency: There is a perception that the public consider Omicron no more dangerous than a cold, and this is leading a relaxation of precautions.
Issues paper: We are still feeling lost and we still have questions.
What consumers told us during the week ending 25 February 2022.
This week, we were all reminded by a long-standing consumer, that we are lucky in Queensland. He asked us where else in the country are consumers at the table, asking questions, being heard, and getting the chance to help work with staff to improve our health system. So if we don’t say this often enough, here it is again, loud and clear. Health Consumers Queensland and our statewide network of consumers are grateful we are in Queensland and grateful to be working with people who understand the importance and value of consumer partnerships.
As always, there are things we can do together to make a great health system even better. So in this spirit, we offer this week’s Issues Paper – a 2 pager.
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