Key thinkers dissect today’s leading topics in consumer partnershipsYou can still watch us host smart and frank conversations on some of the key topics in consumer partnerships in a world changed by COVID. Our episodes brought together expertise from both sides of partnerships to bring you the latest in best practice and future thinking.
Why “Sharing Power”?
COVID has showed us that a health system with adequate resources for all cannot be taken for granted. The economic consequences of COVID mean that the State and Federal health systems will be forced to get by on less. Now more than ever, decision-makers need to have the skills, willingness and courage to work shoulder-to-shoulder with consumers to make some difficult decisions By sharing decision-making power, we can together build a health system that is fair, equitable and meets the needs of the people who use the system and those who serve it.
Impactful consumer partnerships are based on a shared vision, trust, and empowering consumers to shape health services. Ultimately, they are about sharing power. A range of barriers stop true partnerships and prevent co-design from being all it could be. What does it take to truly share decision-making power?

Beyond social media, health organisations rarely used digital means of engagement with consumers prior to 2020. When COVID forced us into isolation, digital methods such as video meetings came into their own. For many consumers, this made engagement activities more accessible than ever before. How did some organisations make the change so successfully?
We talk to consumers and staff involved in partnership projects that made the leap to digital to see what worked, what didn’t and where to from here.
Panellists for this episode are:
Jim Madden, Alex Markwell, John Anderson and Peter Tully
Sharing Power: showcasing successful consumer-led co-design
We deep dive into what “co-design” is, what it isn’t and what difference genuine co-design makes to the success of a project. With two Queensland co-design projects as examples, we speak with staff and consumers about their experiences of co-design.
Panellists for this episode are:
Phil Carswell, Amber Williamson, Leonie Sanderson, Vanessa Buiskool
Why do you think I am hard to reach?
In 2020 Health Consumers Queensland delivered training to hundreds of Queensland Health staff. The most common question we heard was “How do I engage with hard-to-reach consumers?”. In this session we hear consumers’ responses to this question, hear their thoughts on why engagement misses the mark for some groups and what health organisations can do to appropriately engage with a diverse range of consumers. We also hear from people who lead projects that successfully reach out into communities that rarely engage with health organisations.
Panellists for this episode are:
Ellie Buchan, Anne Curtis, Christos Papadopoulos, Hamza Vayani, Janet Blair and Trisha Hansen.
Value-based healthcare – What it means for all of us
What does the term “value-based health care” mean to you? It’s a term that is not well understood, and yet it’s a concept that is key to consumers getting the very best health outcomes physically, emotionally and culturally.
How can consumers be involved in making decisions that embed value-based health care in the health system? What can we do to give consumers the authority to challenge care that isn’t evidence-based?
In this final of the series, we are joined by leading thinkers in value-based health care and hear what it means to them, and their ideas for overcoming the barriers to making it a reality.
Panellists for this episode are:
Dr Joan Carlini, Harpreet Kalsi and Helen Mees.