Are you a First Nations person living in Queensland and interested in an exciting opportunity to develop genomics and genetics resources?

This is an opportunity to partner with Queensland Health, Health Consumers Queensland and CQUniversity to build community awareness and health literacy by developing genomics and genetic healthcare resources.

We are looking for 10 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from across Queensland to act as Community Champions.

To learn more about genomics and why it’s important, we encourage you to watch this short video – Your Blood, Your Story.

Genes, DNA & Genetic Healthcare
DNA holds your family history [stories] in your blood and your body. These are passed on to you through your parents, grandparents and ancestors. Everyone has their own unique DNA.

DNA is the recipe for genes and holds the instructions on how your body works. Genes are arranged within the DNA in most cells in your body. Some differences in the arrangement or structure of these genes can cause illness, cancer other conditions. We can tell a lot about you by reading your gene stories.

Health services are moving towards using your DNA stories to look at which treatments will work better for you. The more DNA stories they read, the better treatment they can design.

Information Sessions
We will be holding 2 Information Sessions for interested applicants to learn more about the project and the role of Community Champions. Sessions will be approximately 30 minutes.

1. Tuesday 8 October 2024 – 10am
2. Thursday 10 October 2024 – 2pm

Please Note
During these sessions the project team will be available to answer questions about the project. While we will be providing general information, we may not be able to answer specific questions about genomics and genetic healthcare.

Attendance at an Information Session is voluntary and is not a requirement to apply for the role.

To register to attend an Information Session – Complete form here

Apply to be a First Nations Community Champion for this project

If you need any support to apply, we encourage you to call or email us and we will get in touch with you.

Find out more about the project, what will be required of Community Champions, remuneration and more in this Project Outline and in the Terms of Reference

Contact Us
We welcome any questions! Please reach out to Candice Field or Heidi Jones at HCQ, on (07) 3012 9090 or email