Barrett Implementation Project October and November updates

Barrett Implementation Project October and November updates

November 2016

The Commonwealth Department of Health is conducting consultation on the Fifth National Mental Health Plan – click on the link for details

The first of the Infrastructure Co-Design workshops will commence 4 November. Consumers, carers and other members of the community will join with other key stakeholders as the architects consult on the design of the newly announced facility.

October 2016

Draft Model of Service Workshops are go! Our consumer participants have been working with a range of other stakeholders including doctors, nurses and educators to get the ball rolling on this important piece of work. There will be three workshops in total, with the last to be held on 10 November. These workshops represent the preliminary phase of development for the Draft Model of Service, with more consultation to come.

Check out our early brainstorming from workshop 1.

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Barrett Implementation Project December Updates

Barrett Implementation Project December Updates

December 2016

EOI Alert – seeking representatives for Recommendation 2 Implementation oversight group. Please click link for details.

balloon-912805_1280Do you have a story to tell about your experience with youth mental health services? Our Consumer Reference Group has developed resources to help you share your experiences and to tell your story.

If you’re a young person with lived experience of mental health services, click here to go to the consumer snapshot questions.

If you’re a family member or carer of a young person with a mental health issue, click here to go to the family/carer snapshot questions.

We’ve also prepared a storytelling template that helps you to tell your story. You can access it here.

The Draft Model of Service workshops and the Infrastructure Co-Design workshops are now complete. Over 10 consumers and carers participated in each series of workshops, providing input and views. The preliminary Model of Service should be available on the Queensland Health website shortly, for further consultation. This will also be complemented by face to face consultation in the first part of 2017. Look out for dates and locations to be announced here.

In other good news, the survey has attracted over 120 responses so far. We’ll be sharing interim results from the survey soon. Don’t forget you can share the link with others – please encourage anyone who’s had contact with the youth mental health system to hop on and complete the questions – it takes less than 10 minutes.

We have now held a total of 3 Consumer Reference Group meetings. These meetings are held monthly in Brisbane and we can also telelink people in via phone if necessary. The next meeting will be held on  If you are interested in connecting with other consumers and carers who have an interest in the implementation of this project, please email Leonie on,au