Health Consumers Queensland is working hard to make sure health consumers continue to be part of important decision-making – even during a global pandemic
We are doing this by attending daily or weekly meetings on:
- Clinical matters
- Mental health
- Disability health
- Community health
- Stakeholder networks
- Communications
- Maternity
- and with other NGOs.
We also connected with health consumer organisations across the country to share strategies and resources.
Do you feel you have the right information to make decisions on COVID-19 for you and your family?
31 members of our new COVID-19 Community of Interest Group and the Department of Health joined a ‘Consumer Conversations’ feedback session via Zoom yesterday. We asked them:
– Do you feel you have the right information to make decisions on COVID-19 for you and your family?
– What is causing concern or confusion right now?
– Where are you getting good information, and where are you getting support?
Their feedback communicated an urgent need for clear, truthful, inclusive and consistent messaging from governments at state and federal level.